Pockets (Underland #3)

I’m called to stand on my doorstep, I’m almost outside.

I need to feel the cold air bite my skin, the wind whip my hair, the rain brush the pavements as I feel my way to you.

There’s something about the blackout of early evening, something pulling at me to leave the house, escape the four walls that surround me.

And the rain shines the pavements as I puddle jump, rushing, a sense of hurrying to find you.

I’m wrapped up in red fleece, blown to kingdom come but I still know where I’m going.

The tall trees beyond my house twist and yearn like they know, like they truly understand despite the storm. I stand in the cold, hugging my earl grey. I crave this weather.

And if I’m still and listen, if I stop and feel then it’s almost as though there’s nothing inbetween us, no distance, no space and no time.

I shove my hands deep in my pockets, things rustle, like gifts, like precious moments to come. I hold tight to their promise.

Street lights, shop lights break the black, dazzle in the darkness, reflect up at me as I splash towards you. People blur, irrelevant.

And then later I’m there, shimmering, sparkling at your side.

Blanket (Underland #2)

Still in her chair approaching year end and she wanted to be his blanket. Hours peeled across the day, time was moving though she wasn’t.

She appeared to have put herself on pause. It was a limbo where she breathed in and out. She remembered the shape of this place from many years ago, from a time when all she could do was process thoughts. And she thought about his blanket.

Maybe that was all she could do for now. If there ever was a time when she knew she was more then flesh and blood, when she knew she was a soul in human form, then it was now.

Now, when she felt the restriction of her edges, when everything inside her yearned to reach him. Now, when she sat up late in the corner of her lounge that they knew well and she wondered if he was on his sofa trying to reach her? Were they somehow together now, in this second at 22:40 as she typed?

She still had a body, but it was only an encasement, while everything else, the very essence of her, left her form and wrapped itself around him.

It was 22:44 and she was his blanket.

Beautiful Bright Red Balloon (Underland #1)

And then she knew just what to do, she would come here. Here, to reach him, here, in the place that only they knew. She breathed out and slowed down and wished for him to do the same.

The balloon was exquisite. It beamed out light even on the darkest days and she would pull down the red ribbon by which it was tethered and bring it close up to her face. She looked inside.

And all of their moments swirled and danced inside like the rainbow colours on a soap bubble and it calmed her. She held it close like a new-born in her arms, like a precious thing to be cherished, to take care of, to be loved. And it was. And it is. And it will be.

Here, in her chair near the end of the year and if she listened she could feel him reading her words, hoping that she’d reached him. The balloon bobbed, followed her wherever she went, never left her side, as she would never leave his.

She’d come here, that’s what she’d do, for as long as it takes. And in the quiet she watched the balloon softly moving, tender, patient, compassionate.

A prayer between them.
